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Motorcyclists - Boda bodas

Boda-bodas are the leading group of motorists that get involved in road crashes in Uganda. 

Causes of Accidents:

Most accidents involving motorcyclists and Cyclists occur because:


  • Other road users didn’t see them;

  • Over speeding;

  • Dangerous manoeuvres (actions);

  • Failure to follow traffic rules;    

  • False confidence.  


Safety precautions:  ​

  • You MUST ensure your motorcycle comply with the full requirements of the Road Regulations and Road Vehicles Lighting.  


  • ​Motorcycles are harder to see than other vehicles on the road.  

  • You MUST be visible at all times; 

  • Use dipped headlights, even in good daylight; 

  • Always wear a Helmet and  bright clothing to help other road users to see you.   

  • Wear proper shoes to protect your feet  

  • YOU or your passenger MUST NOT wear long loose clothing that could get caught up in the wheel; this can cause a serious crash. 

  • Your passenger MUST seat astride the motorcycle (facing in front NOT cross ward).

  • Remember OSM : Observation - Signal – Manoeuvre.. 


First Aid on the Road. more...  

Legal Requirements:

You MUST hold a valid driving permit for your motorcycle/ vehicle. 



A Driver's permit is a legal document that allows one to drive a motorvehicle on a road. It is issued to an applicant who is 18 years and above.  



  • You MUST trained in Theory and Hazard perception.

  • You must have held a Level 1 Learner's License (learner's permit) for at least 3 months. 

  • Have completed at least 30 hours of driving with an approved licensed driver who is at least 21 years old. Of those hours, 2 hours must be done at night. ​



You MUST hold a third party Insurance cover - This type of insurance cover is usually cheaper than comprehensive. However, it does not cover any damage to your own vehicle or property. It only covers damage and injury to others. 


Basic Theory and Practical Skills

Basic Theory and Practicla Skills:


The theory driving is aimed to check that drivers know more than just how to operate a car and this includes:


Hazard Perception, Safety Margins and Hazard Awareness or Developing Hazards.



To learn and understand the skill of driving by taking lessons from a trained and FULLY qualified driving instructors.


To acquire the knowledge of rules through their instructors and studying the Modern Highway Code.


A key element of learning is to test and reinforce their knowledge.


Take the right ATTITUDE though no one is perfect; be careful, courteous and considerate to all other road users. 


See details.........



Legal Requirements
Driver's Permit
Causes of Accidents
Safety Precautions
First Aid on the Road

Why motorcyclists lead in road accidents....


The Highway Code is a set of rules that govern the use of public roads. 

All road users need to be aware of the Highway Code.

Wether you drive, ride or walk, we all use roads.

The Ugandan Highway Code was emulated from the British Highway Code; though it has not been updated to cover the  increasing Traffic and new Road designs. 


Learn from the source:


Highway Code
The Helmet


Road Safety Initiative - Uganda

Always wear a helmet and be visible

Fasten your Helmet securely.

This protects you in the event of a crash.

A helmet NOT fastened is dangerous as not wearing one at-all.

Your Helmet MUST have a clean and clear visor.

This protests your eyes from;

insects, dust. rain and fall offs from traffic ahead of you.

Wear reflective Clothing and keep your dipped lights on day and night.

Training videos

Training Videos

Motorcyclist Road Safety Education

Take extra care on the road

Participatory learning

Participatory learning

RSI Integrated awareness campaigns:


Learning is a process of practice and experience; get involved in participatory learning to reinforce your riding skills:


• Regular, targeted, campaigns addressing both motorists and other road users, supported by the Traffic police.  


Motorists and the general public are encouraged to attend these seminars.

How to Benefit from your job

RSI - Training and site briefing

in conjunction with the Uganda Traffic Police.

Victim support and Economic empowerment

How to benefit from your job

Problems of the Bodaboda Bisiness
Saving Plan

Problems of the Bodaboda Business:

Boda-Bodas in this country have many problems.

  • Facing highway robberies and those who survive can not meet medical expenses.

  • Lack proper riding skills

  • Not having minimum legal riding documents – (Driving permits and third party insurance cover).

  • Some times failing to re-fuel their motorcycles or service due to luck of capital and the poor saving culture.​ 

See: Saving plan...

The Saving Plan for Motorcyclists - Bodabodas

Start small, save and grow big!     

Boda-bodas need to organize into a single bargaining body by holding regular elections among their work-groups.


Set up saving schemes among  members engaged in the industry to at least voluntarily save shs1,000 (£0.1)per day as a revolving fund.


These savings can be collected at the stage level and banked; from these savings the members can secure small loans to help themselves during a crisis like:  

·  Paying for Driving permits and 3rd.Party insurance covers​  

·  Fuel, repairs, accidents, robberies, loss of relatives, loss of jobs etc. 

One of the Bodaboda savings scheem organised by "RSI"

Tips to Help you make money

Tips to help you make money


  • Do the job right the first time. 

  • Be accountable.

  • Build trust and good relationships with passengers.

  • Treat people fairly.

  • Make passengers fully happy.

  • Respect passenger’s privacy.

  • Never use vulgar or indecent language.

  • Be willing to apologize.  




Good discipline creates new friends and improves your chances of making more money;  

  • Be kind and courteous;

  • Treat everyone with dignity, respect, honesty, and courtesy;  

  • Be pleasant and smiling at passengers;  

  • Be a good listener and have the ability to understand the situation of a passenger.  

Keep customers telling others about how good you are! 

Training manuals
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