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Traffic Congestion in Kampala City:

The economy of Ugandan is growing, the population is increasing and the road network is expanding.


However, it is practically impossible to build enough road-infrastructure to comfortably accommodate the exceeding demand for travel without managing congestion.


Kampala city is extremely congested; disorderly with traffic and this mess is growing day by day.


Traffic congestion in Kampala is a public outcry that requires urgent attention. 

'RSI' Solution to Traffic Jam download: Slide-show   6.98 Mb


Long term Solution to Traffic Jam and Fatality Risks.pdf 486 kb



Road Safety Initiative - Uganda Presented the detailed solution plan: Kampala Traffic Congestion Management Plan 2014-2019 to KCCA  (Kampala Capital City Authourty) on 03rd.Nov.2014 before:


The Manager and supervisor:

Transport Planning & Traffic Management (KCCA)


We are confident that once implemented as presented, our plan will reduce Traffic Congestion in Kampala by more than 50% in the first phase of only 3 months. 




   Highlights  of the Plan:

Kampala City Traffic Congestion Management Plan 2014-2019:

Solution to Traffic Jam in Kampala

Traffic Congestion
How to measure TC
TC in Kla
Kla City TC Management Plan
Solution to TC at junctions

Solution to Traffic Jam

Junction Box

Traffic Jam in Kampala City

Click to zoom

Solution to Traffic Jam in Kampala City - Uganda

Traffic Jam, Traffic congestion or Gridlock is:

  • Is a demand for road space outstripping the available road infrastructure to the extent that free movement of traffic is nearly impossible or;  


  • The situation where travel demand exceeds the capacity of the transportation network. 


There are two types of traffic congestion:

Recurring Congestion

Traffic congestion that seem regularly during peak hours, when travel demand is high (e.g. morning and afternoon).


Non‐Recurring Congestion

Traffic congestion that occurs when something unusual and unexpected happens to reduce available road capacity (e.g. collisions, construction and weather) but; Kampala has a different case!  


How to Measure Traffic Congestion:

 Traffic congestion is the extra-time taken compared to the time taken on the same journey in uncongested conditions or free flow.  

Solution to Traffic Jam in Kampala 

'Traffic Jam' is a serious problem; but the solution is pretty simple, cheap and counter productive at a minimal investment of mare paint. 


To prevent traffic congestion at road junctions,  the intersection areas of the road-junction surface  is marked with a "Junction Box" also known as “Keep Clear” or “Priority Restriction Road Markings”.


A Junction-Box is a road traffic control measure designed to prevent traffic congestion and gridlocks at road junctions, large roundabouts and railway crossings.                              



Long Term solution to Traffic Jam



Traffic Congestion has direct economic and social costs which in turn impose heavy costs on the National economy.

     These costs can damage the competitiveness of Kampala in the regional market and the attractiveness of the city as both a tourist destination and a place to live; such costs are:


  • Reduced productive time,

  • Loss of investments and jobs;

  • Fuel waste;

  • Increased risk and costs to motorists and pedestrians;

  • Green House Gas  emissions (GHGE) polluting the  air quality;

  • Miserable quality of life,

  • Diseases to urban inhabitants by breathing in exhaust fumes;

  • Unpredictable journey times, queuing, slower speeds and increased travel times;

  • Stress/anger /Tiredness as a result of road rage (Violence exhibited by drivers in traffic jam).   


Main cause of Traffic Congestion in Kampala:


At a certain level traffic congestion can be a sign of a vibrant economy as the movement of people and goods multiply; but factors in Kampala differ.


Traffic congestion in Kampala mainly originates at road-junctions and roundabouts which in turn extends to the corresponding roads and lanes.


 This is due to competitive driving as taxis, couriers, delivery trucks, Buses, private vehicles, Boda-bodas and pedestrians all competing for the available road-space in order to manoeuvre.


Motorists have to compete in order to manoeuvre because road-junctions in Kampala  are NOT marked with “Priority Restriction Road Markings”. 




Other factors:

  • Kerb‐side stand‐signs e.g. NO parking; NO loading; NO stopping etc; that narrow roads; 

  • Kerbside Parking or waiting along arterial/busy roads or lanes that reduce the road width at peak hours;



Factors that neet Policy Review:  

  • Parking ought to be a longside the kerb and NOT across the Kerb;

  • Removal of 'Pavement activities' that send pedestrians into the traffic flow thereby reducing the road capacity.

  • Random incidents/accidents and lack of 'steer  and keep clear'  restrictions;

  • Lack of 'lane rental policy' for road-works that would force contractors to speedup  work; 

  • Individual 14 Seater  Commuter Taxis instead of transit;

  • Traffic lights that do not coordinate with the traffic volume but equal intervals regardless of time of the day;  etc. 


Dangers of TC
Main causes of TC in Kla.
Other factors
Solution to TC along Streets
Kerb-side stand signs
Factors that need Policy review
Power of the "junction Box"


A Junction-Box has criss-cross yellow lines painted on the road-surface; they are cheap to mark but extremely effective in preventing traffic jam and gridlocks. 


Because of the three cardinal rules:

  • You MUST KEEP to the correct lane as you enter  a junction-box; 

  • You MUST NOT enter the Junction-Box unless your exit road, lane or railway crossing is clear; 

  • YOU MUST NOT STOP IN THE BOX unless waiting to turn right when your exit is clear but being prevented by an oncoming traffic. 


Traditional Methods of Traffic restrictions

Kerbside stand-signs

  • Kerbside stand-signs narrow roads;

  • Reduce the road capacity; 

  • deny pedestrians a walk space;

  • sends them into the traffic flow;

  • putting their lives at risk; 

  • tops-up traffic congestion; 

  • wastes road-space.



Need to Manage TC
RSI remarks
Benefits of managing T.C.
Modern method of Traffic Restrictions

Need to manage Traffic Jam

Transportation is essential for reducing poverty and promoting inclusive economic growth. When infrastructure is fast, cheap and safe, it facilitates the flow of inputs and goods, thus promoting competitiveness and providing people with easier access to jobs and social services.



Tackling traffic congestion or traffic jam is:

  • Smoothing the traffic flow, goods and services;

  • Reducing costs and the risk of collisions to motorists;

  • Reducing the risk of injury to pedestrians epecially the vulnerable etc.;


The emphasis is not to increase the speed of traffic but to ensure journeys run more smoothly and that the driver or passenger can more reliably estimate the time the journey takes.  


Basic Theory and Practical Skills...

Long term Solution to Traffic Jam and Fatality Risks...


Solution to Traffic Jam along Streets


Traditional Methods of Traffic Restrictions resort to Public funds


Mordern Methods generate revenue

See details...

Your Donations are a vital component that allows us to further the cause we represent. 


Your comments are important to us, and we appreciate your time!

We are advocating/pushing for the implementation of the

"Long term Solution to Traffic Jam and Fatality Risks in - Uganda"


We seek your contribution to run these programs on TV.

Each program cost about USD $880

Your contribution is highly apreciated. 


Use Mobile money, Visa or Debit Card.


Road Safety Initiative - Uganda | Remarks:

Traffic Congestion is an alarming public out cry affecting the movement of traffic, goods and services.

The initiatives presented have successfully worked in many countries especially Great Britain of which Uganda was a Colony. 


The planning authority can play an important role in ensuring that these initiatives are carefully considered to form part of the long-term planning for Kampala road-network.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need more information...


Central reservation

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