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Methods of traffic restrictions

Methods of Traffic Restrictions

Solution to Traffic Jam along streets

Road-Markings are the modern way of displaying road-restriction messages to traffic.  They are painted on the road surface, giving a clearer message than kerbside stand-signs which reduce the road-width and capacity.

Maximizing the use of lanes: 

The Traffic Police and Guides in some cases limit the use of FOUR lane-capacity roads to only TWO. This is under-using roads.

The full capacity of the Road-lanes should be used especially at peak hours of traffic in urban centers to reduce congestion. 


Maximising use of Lanes

 Road without a central reservation area             Road with a central reservation area

Advantages of road markings

Advantages of on-road surface restriction markings:

On road surface restriction markings DON'T affect or reduce the road capacity;

•They indicate exactly where the restriction starts and where it ends;

•They indicate the times and days of the restriction.  

•They give the Driver a chance to concentrate on safety on the road

    thereby reducing the risk collisions and injury to pedestrians.

  • They generate revenue to the government in form of fines from violators of the restrictions, unlike the traditional methods that depend on public funds.


NOTE: Some roads may NOT be tarmaced but we have the solution...

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Alternating Parking:  

This approach requires that parking on parallel arterial roads alternate at peak hours of traffic.


This means that during the morning peak hours of traffic thus from 7am to 9:30am, parking, loading off-loading (waiting) is restricted  on ENTRY arterial parallel roads and allowed on the corresponding exit parallel arterial roads.


During the evening peak hours of traffic (from 4:30pm to 8pm), parking, loading and off-loading (waiting) is restricted on EXIT parallel arterial roads and allowed on the corresponding entry arterial parallel roads.    


MESS System

The System to efficiently enforce the Restrictions:


Some motorists only obey the restrictions or even the Highway Code because the traffic police can see them or where traffic cameras are fixed.


However both of the above mechanisms can NOT be everywhere all the time and their locations are familiar to violators. In this situation, the violators warn one another of their presence. 



We have innovated the MESS (Mobile Electronic Surveillance System). This techinology is designed to deter this practice. 


The MESS system is a Ugandan unique innovation. It is mobile, unpredictable, convenient, cheaper and more effective whether it is raining, shining, day or night.

The MESS system does not require the traditional method of man power but uses GPS (Global Positioning System).

Mobile GPS Cameras are fixed on moving vehicles.

The system caputers:

  • Obstruction offencess e.g. stoping in the junction box, parking on pavement, restricted areas etc.

  • Moving offences e.g. speed, overloading, cutting-in etc. 

  • DMC (Dangerous Mechanical Condition) Vehicles (expired MOT certificate).

The MESS system hits two birds with one stone; thus Traffic offences and insecurity at the same time e.g. robbery



The revenue generated from violators in form of fines sustains the system without resorting to public funds. 

Contact us for details...



Who we are... 

Morning peak hours of traffic thus from 7am to 9:30am the arrangement should be; 3 lanes IN and 1 lane OUT; on arterial roads.

During the evening peak hours of traffic (from 4:30pm to 8pm) the arrrangement should be 3 lanes OUT and 1 lane IN; on arterail roads.


Temporaly oneway streets:

Some streets should be restricted to oneways during peack hours with clear fixed-stand signs.  

Alterneting Parking
MESS System

Examples of parallel arterial roads in Kampala City

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